The Global Goals can only be met if we work together. International investments and support is needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access, especially for developing countries. To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative.

Our Partners

Humanium Metal by IM is based on a close collaboration between governments, authorities and local NGO’s and partners. We are very proud to be working with these esteemed partner organizations:

Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Stockholm, Sweden

Fundación Red de Sobrevivientes y Personas con Discapacidad

El Salvador

The Parliamentary Forum on Salw


Embassy of El Salvador

Stockholm, Sweden

Fespad Fundación de Estudios Para la Aplicación de Derecho

El Salvador

Embassy of Sweden

Guatemala City, Guatemala (El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) Global

The International Action Network on Small Arms


Malmö University

Malmö, Sweden

I.E University

Madrid, Spain

The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)


The Right Livelihood Foundation

Stockholm, Sweden

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


For a long time watches have been associated with status and tradition. TRIWA aims to transform the watch into a symbol that highlights issues of our time by selling watches that have unique stories.

Arild Links was founded in the village of Arild in southern Sweden as a joint venture between a gold-smith and entrepreneurs, all with the ambition of disrupting the traditional and uniform jewel-industry.

The iconic “Non-Violence” sculpture by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd is given a new dimension as it is´now manufactured in Humanium Metal. All profit from the sales goes to the Non-Violence Project Foundation and IM Sweden.

Delphi is a progressive law firm based in 5 Swedish cities that specializes in business law. By combining business understanding with new, smarter ways of thinking, Delphi tailors their services to the unique needs of their clients.

Centiro is a Swedish software company with solutions that empower marquee brands and finer supply chains in 125+ countries. Enabling and empowering commerce for companies with aspirations who seek to make a difference. Centiro has received numerous awards and honors, including Great Place to Work®.

ForeverSpin™ is a Canadian company dedicated to making the world’s finest spinning tops using high-quality materials and precision in every step. A ForeverSpin top in Humanium Metal is now available in over 70 different countries.

With the aim to transform mindless consumtion into conscious decisions, A Good Company creates thoughtful and elegant everyday products that contribute to a more sustainable way of life.

Each of the 17 Togetherband bracelets represents one of the Global goals and is made using innovative and sustainable materials that remove 1 kg plastic from marine environments.

The Samlerhuset Group is one of Europe´s largest coin and collectible companies. Active in 17 different markets within Europe in addition to owning the Mint of Norway, high quality medals and commemorative coins in addition to the world-famous Nobel Peace Prize.

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