SDG5: Gender equality

Women and LGBTQ* individuals face different and at times amplified effects of gun violence. Women are more likely to face violence from an intimate partner and are less likely to report it. If they do report it official authorities often do not record it. The presence of a firearm increases the likelihood that this violence results in a femicide by 5 timesHowever, it is important to remember that this violence does not only occur through the firing of the gun. Women are intimidated, blocked from public and economic life, and psychologically abused through the threat of the use of a gun. The presence of firearms also increases the likelihood and occurrence of sexual violence against women and LGBT* individuals, which is also severely under reported and recorded. However, the threat they face is not just physical. Women also face burdens as caretakers of survivors of gun violence, putting them under severe economic stress.




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Toxic masculinity and violence:  

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