Worlds first medal made from illegal weapons
Release date: 2021-11-11
The 11th of November was a historical date. In the beautiful town of Kongsberg, where the Norwegian mint factory is situated, the world’s first medal made from Humanium Metal was embossed. In a partnership with Samlerhuset and the Norwegian mint factory, coin collectors will now be able to expand their collections with unique medals made from the most valuable metal in the world.
Samlerhuset is a Norwegian company which is situated in Oslo but they operate in 16 countries. They are one of the leading distributors of coins, medals, and collectibles in Europe. Humanium Metal was presented to Samlerhuset two years ago and it immediately caught their interest.
– The coin industry has a history that spans over 2600 years. It’s incredible to innovate this industry with completely new metal to work with and at the same time contribute to the important work of IM, says Hans Petter Hongset, CEO of Samlerhuset.
The new medal will be embossed with a motif that celebrates the Norwegian flag turning 200 years old. It’s a symbol of the country’s long tradition of democracy, peace, and freedom.
When Samlerhuset and the Norwegian mint factory decided to work with Humanium Metal it first posed a challenge to work with the material. Coins and medals are usually made out of gold, silver, and copper, soft materials which is easy to emboss. Humanium Metal, on the other hand, has a ligation which makes it more solid and therefore harder to work with. It required some technical development to finalize the idea and bring the medal into production.
Ståle Løkken is the director of the Norwegian mint factory, and he is equally enthusiastic about working with Humanium Metal.
– This is the first time in our 300 years long history that we are introducing new material, Ståle says.
You can now purchase the medals at samlerhuset.no. The income generated is invested in Humanium Metals work to destroy more weapons and work with social programs to support people and societies affected by gun violence.